Grace Period Debt Counselling

Johann de Lange

Registered debt counselor

Our Story

Grace Period Debt Counselling was founded in 2013 by Johann de Lange after he completed his debt counselling course successfully and became a registrant of the National Credit Regulator (NCR) on 13 May 2013.

Johann is therefore a registered debt counsellor (NCRDC2250) and has helped numerous consumers to become debt free, and is also currently assisting consumers who are over-indebted and supports them on the road to financial freedom.

Johann was a financial advisor with a well known insurance company and has a certificate in personal finanancial planning. It was in the field of financial advice he became aware of the fact that debt is a major stumbling block for wealth creation. Consumers lapsed their wealth creation products , and over-indebtedness was one of the major reasons. Consumers needed assistance  on a very personal level. Johann saw the opportunity to help and his proclivity towards caring for people pushed him to assist over-indebted consumers.

Our Mission

Our mission is to assist over-indebted consumers to become free of debt and while they are under debt review teach them personal budgeting and how to live free of unnecessary debt and learn how to save for unforeseen expenses.

The practice

The practice exists to restructure current debt-obligations as prescribed by the National Credit Act to a level where they can afford the debt and pay it off. The practice also assists consumers once their debt obligations are restructured with financial problems they might encounter along the way.


We have an online presence on Google Maps (Business) and by way of this website. Each and every business' preferred way of marketing is referrals by satisfied consumers. We are no different. We love to assist consumers who are referred to us by the very same people we helped.

Our values

The major value of Grace Period Debt Counselling is professional personal involvement with our clients' personal financial planning with regards to their level of indebtedness and personal budgeting. We regard contact with a debt counsellor in the same light as having a trusted medical doctor. This is coupled to other values such as the regard for privacy, integrity, truthfulness, and trust.

Customer Satisfaction

Nothing gives a debt counsellor greater satisfaction than issuing a clearance certificate to a consumer we served. They always leave the office with a smile, a sense of achievement, and happy. It is therefore self explanotory that customer satisfaction is the life blood of our practice. It starts of with a journey that lasts about 5 years....

Our Code of Ethics

Grace Period Debt Counselling…..

  • Will regard the well-being of the person served as the primary professional obligation
  • Will respect the dignity, worth and integrity of the client
  • Will respect the right to self-determination of the client
  • Will protect the client’s right to privacy and confidentiality
  • Will provide competent service in keeping with the established standards of professional practice and conduct
  • Will offer service to all persons regardless of income level
  • Will advocate as warranted individual client’s rights and interests
  • Will encourage clients to develop the ability to manage their own financial affairs
  • Will ensure that professional responsibility to client takes precedence over the counsellor’s personal aims or values
  • Will have respect for the rights and interests of third parties
  • Will ensure all financial assessments are fair and unbiased
  • Will limit counselling to financial matters and will refer non-financial problems to appropriate professionals
  • Will know, maintain and strive to improve the policies and procedures of the agency, in accordance with acceptable standards of professional practice
  • Will continually improve knowledge and skills in Debt Counselling and share such expertise with other debt counsellors

Have Any Questions?

Please visit our information page and the page where the debt restructuring process is explained. Should you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact us by clicking on the “CONTACT US” button.

The home of responsible debt counselling where you deserve a break.

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